

reliable plant January 2024

Featured Article

Dr. Parul Baranwal, Brunswick County Public Utilities

AI and machine learning have become pivotal in the realm of genomics, reshaping the landscape of genetic research and its applications. Through sophisticated algorithms, AI and machine learning are capable of identifying subtle patterns and associations within this data, making them invaluable tools in predicting disease risks and unraveling the genetic underpinnings of complex disorders.

Eric Whitley, L2L

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are reshaping our interactions with technology. Offering more than just entertainment, these innovations provide immersive experiences that blend digital and physical experiences. They offer new ways of interacting with our surroundings, extending beyond traditional uses, including in most industrial sectors, each of which face a unique challenges.

Somen Sarkar, Nicco Engineering Services Limited

As technology continues to advance, the future of plant maintenance looks promising. Predictive analytics and robot assistants are just the beginning. Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and remote monitoring are also becoming integral parts of maintenance strategies. Being able to embrace and integrate these technologies can make all the difference in your plant going from good to great.

Matthew Knuth, CMRT, SPM Instrument; Carina Ström, SPM Instrument

Technologies for monitoring machine vibration levels have been around for decades. The further development of such technologies has been relatively slow, but the rapid advancement of digital component technologies in recent years has brought new opportunities. The innovative HD vibration technology from SPM Instrument breaks new ground in more ways than one.

Lindsay Walker, NEXGEN

Technology is the root of all facility management trends shaking up the business. You must’ve noticed all sorts of exciting changes, like new ways of doing business, innovative ideas for adding value, and some seriously imaginative services being offered.

David Thompson, Ramsoft (UK)

Since the resulting excess stocking costs from a miscatalogued stockroom can greatly affect your company's bottom line, it's crucial to make sure you know your data and that it's catalogued correctly for optimal stockroom performance. A full MRO inventory audit comprises many elements, but this article focuses only on better cataloguing and duplication analysis.

Rick Wheeler, LCE

Risk-based asset management (RBAM) has emerged as a crucial framework in the maintenance and reliability industry, offering a strategic approach to optimize asset performance while managing associated risks. If done at an early stage RBAM allows you to gain a clear understanding of what the biggest risks are to your operation — and then proactively manage them.

Noria Media

In this episode of Gear Talk, Wes sits down with Charli K. Matthews, CEO and founder of Empowering Brands, and a passionate advocate for empowering teams. Charli believes in the power of psychological safety — a place where speaking up, taking responsibility, and proactive action are not just encouraged but celebrated.