Grand Award Winners Category
Pierce Manufacturing Inc.,
OEM Fabricators Inc., Woodville Medium (50-299 employees)
Accuweb Inc.,
Special Award Winners
Astronautics Corporation of
Bell Laboratories, Inc., Madison “Building A Better Mousetrap”
Brady Corporation,
Giddings & Lewis Machine Tools, LLC,
Wisconsin Plating Works of Racine, Inc.,
“The Manufacturer of the Year Awards program celebrates the success stories of
“We are proud to honor these manufacturers as they forge ahead setting the pace for economic development, growth and prosperity,” said James S. Haney, president of Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. “
The annual competition is co-sponsored by Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, a preeminent Midwest-based law firm; Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP, the nation’s 15th-largest accounting and consulting firm; and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the state’s largest business association.
Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year Grand Award winners are recognized for overall outstanding achievement and categorized based on the number of employees. Nominated companies are evaluated in areas such as financial growth or consistency, technological advances, product development, environmental solutions, operational excellence/continuous improvement, commitment to employees, and effective research and development.
Special Awards are presented to companies for achieving excellence in any one area. Categories are determined by the judges based on information provided in nomination forms. Thirty-nine manufacturers were nominated for this year’s awards.
An independent panel of judges, including leaders in business, government, education and the business media, evaluated the nominations. The MOTY awards were presented at a black-tie banquet at the Pfister Hotel in