Ludeca has made a new video available for the award-winning Rotalign ULTRA laser system.
This video allows you to see the new features and benefits of the Rotalign ULTRA shaft alignment system with Continuous Sweep measurement mode, wireless Bluetooth communication to the sensor and a “Soft Foot Wizard” that not only measures your soft foot condition but analyzes it and suggests a solution. Obtain alignment results in three easy steps: dimensions, measure and results.
The video demonstrates the unique under- and over-constrained alignment centerline capabilities of the ULTRA, as well as each of the add-on modules available for it. These include BORALIGN for measuring the alignment of bore centers in engines, compressors and pumps, LEVALIGN for the measurement of flatness of machine beds and other surfaces in 3-D and the STRAIGHTNESS module for measurement of roll profiles, guide rails and tracks.
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