

Newark InOne to distribute handheld spectrum analyzer

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

Premier Farnell subsidiary Newark InOne, a leading small-quantity distributor of electronic components and test equipment, has been selected as the exclusive United States, Central American and South American distributor for an innovative portable spectrum analyzer manufactured by United Kingdom-based Thurlby Thandar Instruments (TTI).


"Our PSA1301T hand-held is smaller, lighter, uses less power and is significantly less expensive than any other RF spectrum analyzer in the in the market, " says TTI sales director Mark Edwards. "Remarkably, it still offers 1.3 GHz bandwidth and a high-resolution color display, and the built-in Palm T/X adds communication capabilities through Bluetooth and WIFI technologies."


Jeff Shafer, senior vice president for product, Newark InOne, says, "At $1,500, the PSA1301T gives more field service engineers and technicians the opportunity to own a portable spectrum analyzer, eliminating equipment sharing. It fits easily into a coat pocket or tool kit, making it as convenient as a handheld DMM for anyone doing RF sniffing or transmitter work."


For more information, visit www.newarkinone.com.

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