An effective preventive maintenance program keeps your facility running safely and at optimum capacity.
Properly maintained belt drives can be your most cost-effective and reliable power transmission solution. Industrial belt drive performance is negatively impacted by many factors:
Gates can help:
- Plant Survey: Inefficient and problem drives are identified and reported with cost saving actions you can take.
- Preventive Maintenance (PM) Seminar: From product selection to installation, we instruct your personnel on key steps to maintaining a productive facility.
Contact Gates to learn more about these onsite opportunities.
Additional tools, available through your Gates distributors, simplify and accelerate preventive maintenance activities:
- PM Training Kit: Get the information and tools your facility needs to keep drives running efficiently, including an instructional PM DVD, single barrel tension testers, sheave gauges, maintenance manuals and more. To order a kit, contact your Gates distributor or visit
- Sonic Tension Meter (product #7420-0507): Get quick, accurate tension readings for all types of synchronous belt and V-belt drives.
- EZ Align (product #7420-1000): Use this precision laser alignment device to quickly and easily align your belt drive systems.
For more information, visit