Front-end loading is taking a proactive approach to examining a product's concept and value as well as developing a business strategy early in the development process. From a supply management point-of-view, this translates to early participation in concept, design, and implementation, including involving resources and suppliers at the earliest possible juncture to ensure costs, processes, and materials are compatible with a successful outcome. This focus study from the CAPS Research Japan Group, defines front-end loading and analyzes results of several past surveys that focused on early supplier involvement and supply's involvement in new product development. It also provides several case studies from various industry groups and details the level of supply management involvement in processes for each. The authors highlight the connection between early involvement in new product development and expanded roles for those in the supply management field.
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CAPS Research is a nonprofit research organization founded in 1986 to provide leading research to our strategic-minded corporate sponsors and to the public. Our mission is to work in partnership with a global network of executives and academics for the discovery and dissemination of strategic supply management knowledge and best practices. CAPS Research is jointly sponsored by the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, the Institute for Supply Management and Global 1000/Fortune 500-size organizations.