Human feet are amazing. The feet contain a quarter of the bones in the body. Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons. But like the rest of the body, feet eventually begin to feel the effects of daily wear and tear.
Foot problems are common, particularly in women. Years of frequent high-heel wear can permanently damage tendons in the heel. Shoes that fit too tightly can cause problems. The December issue of Mayo Clinic Women’s HealthSource covers common concerns about feet and what might help:
Blisters: They are caused by the friction of shoes over the skin. Blisters shouldn’t be popped. Instead, applying moleskin or a bandage helps. A blister that breaks should be washed, treated with antiseptic ointment and covered with a bandage.
Bunions: These are misaligned big toe joints where the big toe slants toward the second toe. They can become swollen and tender, especially if aggravated by tight shoes. Wearing wider shoes, as well as using cushioning pads or shoe inserts, may help. In severe cases, surgery may be needed.
Corns and calluses: These thick, hardened layers of skin develop where the shoe frequently rubs the foot. Moleskin or padding may help relieve discomfort. Corns and calluses should never be cut at home. Instead, seeing a podiatrist is advised.
Hammertoe: A toe, often the second, bends like a claw. Hammertoe usually results from a muscle imbalance, but it can be worsened by ill-fitting shoes or hosiery that’s too tight. Wide shoes can help. Occasionally, surgery may be needed to realign the toes.
Heel pain: The cause is stretching or tearing of the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot (plantar fascia). Pain can worsen with lack of proper arch and heel support. Ice massage, gentle stretching of the arches, and arch-support inserts can help relieve tension. Splinting or physical therapy could be recommended, too.
Ingrown toenails: Often improper clipping causes toenails to grow into the skin. Nails should always be clipped straight across. A doctor can remove ingrown nails that are painful or infected.
Joint pain in the ball of the foot: Called metatarsalgia, this condition is commonly caused by wearing high heels. Pain can be relieved by applying ice to the foot and avoiding further stress. Shoe inserts, such as metatarsal pads, shock-absorbing insoles and arch supports, may help.
Pump bump: This is the common term for a bony enlargement on the back of the heel. Shoes with rigid backs or straps can aggravate the bump. Pain can be eased by avoiding shoes that aggravate the condition or using a pad to cushion the heel.
Tight heel cords (Achilles tendinitis): High heels are the culprit again. By elevating the heel, high heels prevent the Achilles tendon – which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone – from fully stretching. The result can be tightening and shortening of the tendon, causing discomfort. Rest and the application of ice can ease acute pain. Stretching exercises and orthotic devices may relieve discomfort over the long term.