A couple of years ago, Starrett introduced “bi-metal unique Saw Technology” and began selling hacksaw blades, jig saw blades and some bandsaws manufactured with this process. So you may ask, what is this, why is it important, and how does effect my material separation requirements? Here is a quick overview.
What's New and Different? About 25 years ago, bi-metal blade construction from electron beam welding was a very important advance in blade construction. It became, and remained, the standard for premium quality blades.
After significant research over a six-year period and investment in state-of-the-art equipment for electron beam and laser fusion welding, Starrett developed the first significant advance in blade bonding since the introduction of bi-metal blades a quarter century ago.
Utilizing the principle of solid-state diffusion as a bonding agent, this new technology joins two strips of high-speed steel wires to a backing steel in a solid phase. Solid-state diffusion bonding is a radical departure from traditional weld or laser bonding processes that rely on metal diffusion as the union agent at the interface.
Why Do bi-metal unique Blades Last Longer? The bi-metal unique solid-state diffusion process generates 170 percent more weld contact area compared to the existing bi-metal high-speed steels. The result is significantly reduced fracture and breakage at the high speed steel/backing material interface.
How Do bi-metal unique Blades Cut Better? Soon after initial use, the teeth develop a groove in the very thin center of backing material at the cutting edge. This alters the blade area engaged in the cut to create Multi-Edge Performance.
As a result, the cutting stroke produces dual chips that are more easily removed from the cut. For applications utilizing coolant, more of it flows to the cutting surface. This is the Split-Chip Advantage.
Tested and Proven – Faster Cuts & Longer Blade Life
According to a series of tests comparing unique hacksaw blades against several competing products, the new Starrett blades provided up to 20 percent faster cuts and 22 percent longer blade life than several other premium blades.
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The tests were on 304 stainless steel utilizing the BS1919 Standard, which evaluates wear rate and cutting time. (Note: In this test, the lesser value is better). |
170% more weld contact area significantly reduces fracture and breakage at the HSS/backing material interface |
Ordinary Blades: Traditional weld or laser bonding processes |
Bi-Metal Unique: 170% more weld contact area | |
The teeth develop a groove after initial use, altering the blade area engaged in the cut for Multi-Edge Performance
The Unique grooved tooth geometry produces dual chips that are easily removed from the cut. This is the Split-Chip Advantage | |
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