

Reliable Plant Web site marks 1 millionth visitor

Paul V. Arnold, Noria Corporation

The Reliable Plant Web site, www.reliableplant.com, officially passed the 1 million mark for visitors on April 3. Thank you to all of you who have helped make us one of the fastest-growing industrial sites on the Internet.

The Reliable Plant Web site debuted on January 1, 2006. From humble beginnings, we have grown to become one of the more accessed industrial sites on the Internet. Today, we average more than 150,000 visitors per month (165,570 visitors in March), and we anticipate that figure to exponentially grow in the months to come.

Once again, we at Reliable Plant thank you for visiting our Web site and passing on our site address to your friends and colleagues.

We are thrilled to serve you, and look forward to providing pertinent industrial information to you and millions more like you in the months and years to come.

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