The total value of machinery orders received by 280 manufacturers operating in Japan decreased by 15.0 percent in December from the previous month on a seasonally adjusted basis, the Japanese Cabinet Office reported on February 9. In the October-December period, machinery orders rose by 3.8 percent compared with the previous quarter.
Private-sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and those from electric power companies, fell a seasonally adjusted by 0.7 percent in December, and showed a 2.0 percent increase in the October-December period.
In the Janauary-March period, the total amount of machinery orders was forecasted to decrease by 4.0 percent, and private-sector orders, excluding volatile ones, were forecasted to rise by 2.2 percent from the previous quarter, respectively. This forecast was basically made by summing up the figures from 280 machinery manufacturers.
In 2006, the total amount of machinery orders rose by 11.1 percent. Also private-sector orders, excluding volatile ones, increased by 4.0 percent.
- (( References ))
- Chart-1 Total Value of Machinery Orders; Chart-2 Private Sector (exc. Volatile Orders)
- Table-1 Machinery Orders by Sectors
- Table-2 Percentage Change by Industrial Classification in Private Sector
- Table-1 Machinery Orders by Sectors
- (( Historical Data,EXCEL format ))
- Machinery Orders by Sectors, Sales and Remainders (146KB)
- Machinery Orders by Machinery Classification (170KB)
- Machinery Orders from Private Sector by Machinery Classification (181KB)
- Machinery Orders by Industrial Classification, Manufacturing (117KB)
- Machinery Orders by Industrial Classification, Non-manufacturing (92KB)
- Machinery Orders from Governments(Public Sector) (85KB)
- Achievement Ratio for the Forecast of Machinery Orders (162KB)
- Machinery Orders by Machinery Classification (170KB)
Next release is scheduled for March 9, 2007.
3-1-1,Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo,100-8970 JAPAN |
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