Honda recently announced a new investment of $53 million for the construction of two buildings on its central Ohio campus that will house information technology operations and market quality operations.
The 38,000-square-foot data center will join a similar facility near Denver, Colorado, in storing key information technologies for Honda, increasing secure data storage capabilities in North America.
The 98,000-square-foot quality center will consolidate operations for several Honda organizations under one roof. It will be home to Honda associates focused on product quality in the marketplace, improving the company's capability to study and respond to customer feedback.
"Creating a more efficient and effective way for our associates to respond to our customers is the primary goal of our new regional market quality facility," said Rick Schostek, executive vice president of Honda North America Inc. "The global reliance on data from North America has grown year by year, and our new data center will help us manage this responsibility."
The two new facilities will be located in Raymond, Ohio, and are scheduled to be open by early 2017. Honda worked with local and state government entities on the expansion project, including Union County, JobsOhio, Columbus 2020, the Ohio Development Services Agency and the Ohio Department of Transportation.
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