Safway Group recently received the National Maintenance Agreement Policy Committee's (NMAPC) Bronze Star Zero Injury Safety Award (ZISA) after crew members at the R.M. Schahfer Generating Station in Wheatfield, Ind., completed more than 200,000 hours worked with zero recordable incidents.
"We have worked really hard to instill a culture of safety on the job site," said project foreman Larry Fugett. "Making sure the right safety leaders were in place was essential. The leadership team's ability to be the front line of safety and to work closely with employees was paramount. Through our commitment to making safety personal for each crew member, we have fostered a strong sense of trust and camaraderie amongst employees. Every individual here takes safe work practices seriously and has adopted a zero-tolerance mentality. This award is a testament to our commitment to safety."
To receive the award, contractor's projects must have zero incidents. Any projects performed in which days away, restricted or transferred (DART) cases, fatalities or any Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable has occurred are not eligible. Each ZISA applicant must also undergo an in-depth audit and vetting process where clients are contacted to verify that there are no recordable injuries.
"We believe that all workplace injuries are preventable," says Steve Weron, Safway's Midwest regional vice president. "Our employees are committed to a zero recordables philosophy in the workplace. We look forward to the challenge of working toward a Gold Star ZISA, which is only awarded to contractors with 1 million or more hours worked with zero recordables."
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