Integrated operations, maintenance and construction solutions provider Greenwood Inc. recently celebrated a safety milestone of 4.5 million safe work hours at its Merck project site in Elkton, Va. The company provides Merck with various construction-related services.
The safety celebration recognized the Greenwood and Merck relationship spanning more than 20 years without a lost-time injury. More than 200 employees, their families and retirees were in attendance to mark the occasion. Greenwood management presented the site with a commemorative plaque that highlighted the 4.5 million safe work hours achievement.
"There is nothing more important than ensuring the safety and physical well-being of our employees at all times," says Brad Wood, president of Greenwood. "Safe work practices are emphasized by all levels of management, supervisors and employees regardless of the type of work performed. Our ongoing goal is zero incidents with an unwavering focus on safety awareness. Being able to celebrate this significant safety milestone with Merck is a privilege. We applaud all the teams and individuals who make it a daily effort to work safely."
Greenwood is an active participant in all safety programs to complement the high standards set by Merck with an ongoing focus for preventing incidents, accidents and injuries.
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