The number of unemployed persons, at 14.8 million, was little changed in October; the unemployment rate remained at 9.6 percent and has been essentially unchanged since May.
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for adult men (9.7 percent), adult women (8.1 percent), teenagers (27.1 percent), whites (8.8 percent), blacks (15.7 percent) and Hispanics (12.6 percent) showed little change in October. The jobless rate for Asians was 7.1 percent, not seasonally adjusted.
The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks and over) was about unchanged over the month at 6.2 million. In October, 41.8 percent of unemployed persons had been jobless for 27 weeks or more.
This data is from the Current Population Survey. To learn more, see "The Employment Situation — October 2010" (HTML) (PDF), news release USDL-10-1519, for more information.