

Vitamins are vital: Why your body needs multivitamins

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

Never before in the industrial nations has such a variety of fresh food been so freely available. But despite this, nutrition-related diseases continue to spread. Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are a direct consequence of today's eating habits. Canteen food, fast food and convenience products are all increasingly leaving their mark as a bulge around the hips.

Highly refined foods such as white flour products, sweets and sugar supply the body with pure energy - so-called empty calories - but they do not contain essential nutrients such as vitamins.

Five portions of fruit and vegetables?

Nutrition experts advise us to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. But even health-conscious people often fail to reach this simple target. Modern life, with its constant stress, nicotine consumption and regular intake of alcohol, means an additional increase in vitamin requirements. Nutrition surveys have revealed that a considerable number of Americans and Europeans are not guaranteed an adequate supply of essential vitamins through their normal diet.

Genuine vitamin deficiency diseases tend to be the exception in the Western industrialized nations. However, a whole range of unspecific illnesses and ailments is often caused by an inadequate supply of vitamins. A regular intake of multivitamins can make a valuable contribution towards closing this deficit.

The body needs vitamins

The human body cannot produce vitamins itself. It has to rely on obtaining these essential substances regularly from the diet. While fat-soluble vitamins can be stored to some extent, reserves of water-soluble B-complex vitamins and vitamin C are quickly exhausted. If even one vitamin is lacking in the body, our metabolism is unable to function smoothly. Skin and hair problems, as well as frequent infections, tiredness, lethargy, headaches and depression, are often the first warning signs that the body is lacking in these valuable essential substances.

Multivitamins are safe

Multivitamins are a cocktail that ensures the body is supplied with the minimum daily requirement of all essential vitamins. They have a long history of safe use for humans, and are based on the recommendations of international health organizations. Taking them regularly is a balanced, practical and affordable way to fill nutritional gaps.

Sections of the population with a substantially higher vitamin requirement, such as children and young people, pregnant women, the elderly and physically active people, but also people with metabolic diseases such as diabetes, derive enormous health benefits from a daily intake of multivitamins. Sometimes multivitamins are indeed the only way to ensure that at least minimum requirements are met.

Multivitamins for health

Numerous observational studies involving tens of thousands of people have demonstrated the relationship between a regular intake of multivitamins and a reduction in chronic diseases. Apart from this, scientific investigations confirm that these health benefits increase considerably with sustained ingestion of multivitamins.

A daily intake of multivitamins does not replace a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, plenty of physical exercise and regular visits to the doctor. A minimal supply of multivitamins is a kind of basic insurance for physical and mental fitness. They protect health well into old age, enhance wellbeing and make us look good from the inside out. The best guide to health is therefore to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, take multivitamins and join in health promotion measures.

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