

Vodcast: How to perform a failure modes and effects analysis

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

FMEA is an acronym for failure modes and effects analysis. This vodcast tutorial will teach you what is a FMEA, when to use FMEA, and show you a template available with SigmaXL software.

The goal of FMEA is to identify, quantify, evaluate and prioritize risk in a process. The risk may be present due to human error or a lack of controls in an computer process. Ultimately, we want to reduce the possiblility of the risk negatively impacting the customer or an employee. It is important to track your risk assessment in your DMAIC project and ensure that the implemented solution addresses possible failure modes. Your control plan should include actions to take if risk is detected.

Access this 8-minute, 1-second vodcast by clicking on the link below.

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