Engineers at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, are using computer modeling during ceramic manufacturing, which could potentially cut time and cost while reducing waste. The researchers, led by Professor Jingzhe Pan of the Department of Engineering, focused on sintering, using density measurements of different ceramics during sintering in software that can predict changes in dimensions. The Pan-led research team used density measurements of different ceramics during sintering in software that can predict changes in dimensions. The method does not depend on the physical properties of any one ceramic material, but simply uses densification data from a small sample of the material and extrapolates the data, such that it can be applied to larger quantities used in manufacturing. It can thus be applied to a wide range of ceramics.
According to Pan, who has been investigating this process for the last 10 years, several challenges need to be overcome before computer modeling of sintering reaches daily application. For example, the system will need to be converted into a more user-friendly format for industrial use.
Moreover, the technique will have to be demonstrated in a range of industrial products. The team is now investigating the use of multi-layer and industrial coatings.