U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has reached an agreement with National Lime and Stone Company on alleged Clean Air Act violations at the company's non-metallic mineral processing plant on North Patterson Street, Carey, Ohio.
The agreement includes a $13,000 penalty and two environmental projects costing $155,000.
The agreement resolves EPA allegations that National failed to comply with federal and state regulations and its state operating permit by emitting excessive amounts of volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide from its pelletized limestone dryer. EPA said the alleged violations occurred from November 2003 through October 2007.
For its first environmental project, National will replace a diesel engine with electrical power to eliminate diesel emissions at its facility. For its second project, the company will replace its existing baghouse with a larger, more efficient baghouse for collecting fugitive dust in the loading and material handling area of its dried stone operation.
Volatile organic compounds contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone (smog). Smog is formed when a mixture of pollutants react on warm, sunny days. Smog can cause respiratory problems, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest pain. People with asthma, children and the elderly are especially at risk, but these health concerns are important to everyone.
When carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream, it reduces delivery of oxygen to the body's organs and tissues. Exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide can cause death or impair vision, hand movement, learning ability and performance of complex tasks.
Information about EPA Region 5's air enforcement program is at http://epa.gov/region5/air/enforce/index.html. Potential environmental violations may be reported at http://www.epa.gov/compliance/complaints.