Instantis, a leading provider of project portfolio management software used by business process and IT leaders to improve strategy execution and financial performance, shared the results of a recent industry poll on the health of operational excellence deployments such as Lean Six Sigma. The polling was conducted coincident with a customer best practices Webinar featuring DuPont Corporation. More than 100 individuals from every major industry participated in the event. Key results were as follows:
· Sixty-four percent of respondents with Operational Excellence/Six Sigma programs in place reported that the footprint of the initiative has expanded in the past year, while 31 percent said it has remained about the same. Only 5 percent said the deployment has contracted.
· By a significant margin, the biggest trend respondents are seeing in their program and system development is “greater interest and focus on strategy execution and alignment” (44 percent).
· There is significant interest in having solution vendors expand their focus outside of process improvement initiatives to include better support for new product development, IT, CapEx and other project portfolio types (42 percent).
· By an overwhelming majority, 68 percent said “establishing and sustaining executive leadership and support” is the biggest threat to the continued success of the process improvement movement.
“While Operational Excellence initiatives like Lean Six Sigma still have to compete with other top-down strategic initiatives for continued executive mindshare and support, clearly, this data shows that the process improvement community has been able to accomplish this,” said Wayne Caccamo, Instantis vice president of marketing.
Visit to request a copy of the complete survey results.