Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is essential to conserving the planet's critical resources. That's why SC Johnson is committed to finding innovations like powering the company's largest global manufacturing plant with cogeneration turbines that run on natural gas and waste methane from a public landfill. The turbines are making a big impact: They've already prevented GHG emissions equivalent to that produced by a car driving 7,630 times around the Earth.
In addition to preventing GHG emissions, SC Johnson's cogeneration power system has significantly reduced the company's usage of heavily coal-dependent electricity. The twin cogeneration turbines produce 6.4 megawatts of electrical power and meet the average daily base-load electrical demand for the company's largest global manufacturing plant – called Waxdale – which is located in Racine, Wis. Consumers who purchase well-known products like Windex glass cleaner and Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner can feel good knowing that these and other SC Johnson products are made with green energy.
"SC Johnson is one of only about 60 companies in the
In 2003, SC Johnson was the first consumer packaged goods manufacturing company to undertake a green energy, cogeneration project using methane from a public landfill to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The company added a second turbine in 2005, which is powered primarily by natural gas. The twin turbines reduce SC Johnson's annual GHG emissions by 52,000 tons per year.
Since 2000, SC Johnson has reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the company's top factories by 42 percent. By 2011, SC Johnson aims to achieve the following advances:
In May 2007, the Center for Resource Solutions recognized SC Johnson for using Green-e certified energy at Waxdale. The Green-e program is the leading renewable energy certification and verification program in the
Environmental commitment is nothing new for SC Johnson. For 121 years, the company has held steadfast to its environmental commitment and spirit of innovation. From being one of the first consumer products manufacturers to join the EPA's Climate Leaders program in 2002 to its leadership as the first company to remove chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from all aerosol products – three years ahead of the 1978 U.S. mandate, SC Johnson continues to look for innovative ways to safeguard our shared environment. In 2001, SC Johnson devised the Greenlist process, a patented raw material rating system, to transform the way the company measures, tracks and advances its products to further the company's longstanding commitment to environmentally responsible products. Through the Greenlist process, SC Johnson continues to lead the way with responsible raw material choices.