New welding standard listed for aerospace manufacturing

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

Virtually all industries rely heavily on welding processes at some stage of the manufacturing process or in the repair and maintenance of equipment. From computer circuit boards to medical equipment to high-strength automotive steels, industry looks to welding for the reliable joining of materials.


A new American National Standard from the American Welding Society (AWS) covers resistance welding methods for metals used in the manufacture of aviation and aerospace equipment. AWS D17.2/ D17.2M:2007, Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace Applications, also details criteria for machine and procedure qualification and the inspection of aerospace hardware.


The standard was developed by the AWS D17 committee on welding in the aircraft and aerospace industry, a group comprised of experts from major aircraft, defense, and space manufacturers. The document is intended to replace the federal standards in this area, MIL-W-6858D and AMS-W-6858A.


To learn more about standards, visit the American National Standards Institute Web site at