U.S. composite economic index shows slow growth

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

The Conference Board reported November 20 that the U.S. Composite Index of Leading Economic Indicators increased 0.2 percent in October, following a 0.4 percent increase in September and a 0.3 percent decrease in August.


Says Ken Goldstein, labor economist at The Conference Board: "In sum, the impact of a slower housing market on consumers and slower profit growth on business isn't completely offset by lower gas prices and a rising stock market. This suggests that the economy is unlikely either to reheat or to get significantly cooler. Instead, the kind of slow growth now being experienced could continue right through the winter and into the spring."


The Conference Board reports that the coincident index, a major barometer of current economic activity, increased 0.1 percent in October, following a 0.2 percent increase in September and August. The lagging index increased 0.2 percent in October and September, following no change in August.





Leading indicators: Six of the 10 indicators that make up the leading index increased in October. The positive contributors – beginning with the largest positive contributor – were real money supply, index of consumer expectations, stock prices, average weekly manufacturing hours, manufacturers' new orders for consumer goods and materials, and average weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance (inverted). The negative contributors – beginning with the largest negative contributor – were vendor performance, building permits, manufacturers' new orders for non-defense capital goods, and the interest rate spread.


The leading index now stands at 138.3 (1996=100). Based on revised data, this index increased 0.4 percent in September and decreased 0.3 percent in August. During the six-month span through October, the leading index decreased 0.2 percent, with five out of ten components advancing (diffusion index, six-month span equals 55 percent).


Coincident indicators: Three of the four indicators that make up the coincident index increased in October. The positive contributors to the index – beginning with the largest positive contributor – were employees on nonagricultural payrolls, industrial production, and manufacturing and trade sales. Personal income, less transfer payments remained the same.


The coincident index now stands at 123.7 (1996=100). This index increased 0.2 percent in September and increased 0.2 percent in August. During the six-month period through October, the coincident index increased 1.0 percent.


Lagging indicators: The lagging index stands at 124.1 (1996=100) in October, with three of the seven components advancing. The positive contributors to the index – beginning with the largest positive contributor – were average duration of unemployment (inverted), change in labor cost per unit of output, and ratio of consumer installment credit to personal income. The negative contributors – beginning with the largest negative contributor – were commercial and industrial loans outstanding and change in CPI for services. The ratio of manufacturing and trade inventories to sales and average prime rate charged by banks held steady in October. Based on revised data, the lagging index increased 0.2 percent in September and remained unchanged in August.