Entergy Louisiana recently announced a $100 million technological upgrade to its electric power transmission grid, with construction scheduled to begin in January 2018. The project is expected to enhance reliability, increase transmission capacity and help ensure the availability of affordable power in the Jefferson Davis Parish.
"This project represents Entergy Louisiana's ongoing commitment to providing reliable, affordable electricity to our customers while helping grow our state's economy," said Chip Arnould, senior region manager of customer service for Entergy Louisiana. "The vast area the project covers makes it one of the largest Entergy Louisiana transmission projects to date. It's an exciting improvement to support the region's growth."
The upgrade will cover approximately 900 square miles and encompass the construction of new transmission lines as well as rebuilding many existing lines. Both the new and rebuilt sections of line will use steel structures that can withstand winds of up to 140 miles per hour and employ reinforced high-voltage wire that will move power more reliably and efficiently. Depending upon weather and other variables, the project is currently scheduled to be completed by February 2020.
Entergy has developed a detailed communication plan to keep communities, businesses, institutions and government agencies up to date on the project's progress. Company representatives will work closely with regulatory, governmental and other key stakeholders to develop detailed execution and traffic control plans.
Entergy Louisiana provides electric service to more than 1 million customers and natural gas service to nearly 93,000 customers in the greater Baton Rouge area. With operations in southern, central and northeastern Louisiana, the company is a subsidiary of Entergy Corp.
For more information, visit www.entergylouisiana.com.