Manufacturers' News Inc., publisher of industrial directories for all 50 states, has compiled a national analysis of U.S. manufacturing based on the company's state-by-state reports released in calendar year 2010. According to Manufacturers' News, industrial employment in the United States declined 3.3 percent and the number of U.S. manufacturers fell 4.1 percent when comparing the data collected by the most recent editions of MNI's directories to each state's previous edition. The full analysis can be seen here.
According to Manufacturers' News most recent editions, there are 357,862 manufacturers employing 16,257,226 that currently operate in the United States. This is compared to the 370,230 manufacturers and 16,957,982 workers recorded by the previous editions.
"Technology has driven down manufacturing employment," says Tom Dubin, president of Manufacturers' News. "Even as demand and production return to pre-recession levels, fewer employees are needed in the manufacturing process because of automation and robotics. Highly skilled workers trained in today's technology will continue to be in great demand, but the days of well-paid low-skilled assembly line workers are gone forever."
According to MNI, Michigan topped the list of states that lost the most industrial employment, with a decline of 79,101 jobs. California was a close second at 78,723 lost jobs. North Carolina's industrial jobs fell 51,831; Indiana 39,451; and Florida 38,278. States that lost the least number of jobs included Alaska (-31); Hawaii (-754); North Dakota (-1,028) Wyoming (-1,028); and West Virginia (-1,403).
MNI reports Florida lost the most manufacturers (-932); followed by Michigan (-913); California (-819); North Carolina (-710); and Illinois (-699). North Dakota was the only state to gain manufacturers, up 14 plants or 1.1 percent. States that lost the fewest manufacturers included Alaska (-7 ); Hawaii (-15); Nebraska (-15); and Idaho (-29).
Manufacturers' News, publisher of manufacturers' directories since 1912, compiles and produces manufacturing guides, statistics and databases for all 50 states. MNI employs an 85-person editorial staff to scour yellow pages, trade journals, financial reports, and many other sources to pinpont every manufacturing establishment in the US. Each manufacturer is contacted throughout the year to update their profiles, including their employee counts. MNI reports on each state throughout the year. State by state reports can be seen here.