AWS seeks entries for Image of Welding Awards

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

In search of the superstars of welding, the American Welding Society (AWS) has issued a call for entries in the seventh annual Image of Welding Awards program. This is the industry's top awards competition saluting the year's most outstanding public initiatives and programs that promote the image of welding. The entry deadline is July 10, 2009.


The Image of Welding Awards, presented by AWS, the world’s largest organization dedicated to advancing the science, technology and application of welding, and the Welding Equipment Manufacturers Committee (WEMCO), a standing committee at AWS, is open to all welding industry professionals.


Awards are issued in seven categories. All individuals, organizations and groups may be nominated for multiple categories. Self nominations are also welcome. Winners will be honored at the Image of Welding Awards Ceremony to be held during the FABTECH International and AWS Welding Show on November 15-18 at McCormick Place in Chicago.


The Image of Welding Awards Program recognizes outstanding achievement in the following categories:

·        Individual (you or other individual)

·        Section (AWS local chapter)

·        Large Business (200 or more employees)

·        Distributor (welding products)

·        Educator (Welding teacher at an institution, facility, etc.)

·        Educational Facility (Any organization that conducts welding education or training)


“The Image of Welding Award is our special way to honor the men, women and companies that demonstrate superior contributions and commitment to the welding industry,” said Samuel Gentry, executive director, American Welding Society Foundation. “The AWS strives to encourage young adults to join the welding field and these award winners are prime examples of what can be achieved. They are the best in the industry.”


Nominations will be judged by WEMCO, which is composed of executives of welding industry suppliers, to promote the welding equipment market. Promoting the image of welding as a critical industry is among their priority programs.


To see past Image of Welding Award winners and to submit a nomination, download the PDF nomination form online at Completely fill out and return the nomination form through email to, fax to 305-443-1552 or send by postal mail to AWS Image of Welding Awards, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. For questions and other requests, please call AWS toll-free at 800-443-9353.


About AWS

The American Welding Society (AWS) was founded in 1919 as a multifaceted, nonprofit organization with a mission to advance the science, technology and application of welding and allied joining and cutting processes including brazing, soldering, and thermal spraying. Headquartered in Miami, Fla., and led by a volunteer organization of officers and directors, AWS serves more than 50,000 members worldwide and is composed of 22 Districts with 250 Sections and student chapters.