

Toyota global auto production in August rose 11.8% vs. 2009

Toyota Material Handling

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) on September 28 announced its production, domestic sales and export results, including those for subsidiaries Daihatsu Motor Company Ltd. and Hino Motors Ltd. for August 2010.

AUGUST 2010 RESULTS Unit = one vehicle; figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage change
  Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
 Passenger cars 206,873 (14.4) 35,259 (2.7) --- --- 242,132 (12.5)
 Trucks & buses 18,761 (2.7) 9,747 (20.0) 7,070 (34.1) 35,578 (12.4)
Total 225,634 (13.3) 45,006 (6.0) 7,070 (34.1) 277,710 (12.5)
SALES IN JAPAN*2        
 Passenger cars 124,243 (44.7) 37,172 (24.8) --- --- 161,415 (39.6)
 Trucks & buses 8,313 (22.9) 9,586 (13.8) 2,228 (33.2) 20,127 (19.4)
Total 132,556 (43.1) 46,758 (22.4) 2,228 (33.2) 181,542 (37.0)
 Passenger cars 105,227 (6.0) 2,976 (10.5) --- --- 108,203 (6.1)
 Trucks & buses 9,989 (-13.5) 240 (-71.7) 5,090 (71.6) 15,319 (-0.3)
Total 115,216 (3.9) 3,216 (-9.2) 5,090 (71.6) 123,522 (5.3)
OVERSEAS PRODUCTION*3 341,144 (10.2) 13,221 (34.0) 1,167 --- 355,532 (11.3)
WORLDWIDE PRODUCTION 566,778 (11.4) 58,227 (11.3) 8,237 (56.3) 633,242 (11.8)
*1Includes kits for overseas assembly; *2includes overseas production; *3excludes kits from Japan

August 2010 Highlights (year-on-year)
Toyota: Increase

Daihatsu: Increase

Hino: Increase

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino: Increase


  • Thirteenth consecutive month of increase
  • Lexus-vehicle sales totaled 2,378 units (36.3 percent increase)
  • 45.6% share of market excluding minivehicles (1.1% decrease); first decrease in fifteen months


  • Seventh consecutive month of increase
  • Minivehicle sales totaled approximately 46.300 units (23.0% increase); eighth consecutive month of increase
  • 34.5% share of minivehicle market (0.4% increase); first increase in five months


  • Seventh consecutive month of increase
  • Standard-truck sales totaled approximately 1,300 (37.1% increase); sixth consecutive month of increase
  • 29.5% share of the truck* market (3.9% decrease)

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino

  • Thirteenth consecutive month of increase
  • 42.7% share of market including minivehicles (0.2% decrease); first decrease in fifteen months

* Maximum loading capacity of four tons or more; excluding imported trucks


Toyota: Eighth consecutive month of increase, due to increased exports to Latin America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Middle East

Daihatsu: Decrease, due to decreased exports to Oceania, Asia, Africa, Europe and other regions

Hino: Tenth consecutive month of increase, due to increased exports to almost all regions

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino: Eighth consecutive month of increase

Toyota: Thirteenth consecutive month of increase, due to increased production in Australia, Asia, Lain America, North America and other regions

Daihatsu: Tenth consecutive month of increase, due to increased production in Indonesia and other regions

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino: Thirteenth consecutive month of increase

Year To Date (January 1 to August 31, 2010)
  Unit = one vehicle; figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage change
  Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
PRODUCTION IN JAPAN*1 2,232,774 (43.0) 445,027 (-0.3) 63,910 (70.3) 2,741,711 (34.1)
SALES IN JAPAN*2 1,150,211 (39.7) 427,384 (7.2) 19,471 (30.7) 1,597,066 (29.1)
EXPORTS 1,137,822 (42.1) 30,177 (11.1) 45,057 (87.4) 1,213,056 (42.4)
OVERSEAS PRODUCTION*3 2,852,993 (38.3) 101,976 (43.3) 7,825 --- 2,962,794 (38.8)
WORLDWIDE PRODUCTION 5,085,767 (40.3) 547,003 (5.7) 71,735 (91.2) 5,704,505 (36.5)
*1Includes kits for overseas assembly; *2includes overseas production; *3excludes kits from Japan
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