Documentary on manufacturing in Wisconsin

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

Wisconsin manufacturing has contributed to the great "American Dream" for many generations. The U.S. once built 66 percent of the world's goods and 75 percent of the world's automobiles. Manufacturing is one of the oldest industries in the technological world, but even the old has to continually implement new concepts and processes – if it wants to maintain its competitive edge.


Environmental issues, globalization and old stereotype thinking about this industry have contributed to its negative perception and to the decline of manufacturing in Wisconsin and the U.S. This industry has always had the reputation of not needing any specific knowledge or skill to plan and execute and the disconnect between the educational systems and the manufacturing industry has contributed to a shortage of skilled workers that are desperately needed today and in the future. But within all these growing pains there is a great opportunity and hope for Wisconsin manufacturing to reinvent its self and become a world leader once again.


The documentary will look at the history of manufacturing in Wisconsin, where it is today and what might manufacturing be like in the 21st century. “Manufacturing the Future” is a story about great possibilities.


Access this 5-minute, 16-second video by clicking on the link below.